Saturday, April 14, 2012


My digestive system dislikes India more than any other country I have visited.
This is unfortunate because I love Indian food.

Pregnant is how I look and pregnant is how I feel.

No amount of Papaya or medications help.

Maybe I'm doomed to remain this way forever...but if ever it passes I promise to never take a fully functioning digestive system for granted again. I promise.


  1. Yoga poses to move the digestive tract??

  2. Oh gosh, that's terrible. Perhaps some prunes?

  3. Kayla,

    I am right there with you. I feel your pain, lady! I have been looking (and feeling) even more pregnant than you do in that photo. It's parasites- I promise. I had (maybe still have) Blastocystis Hominis parasites in the cyst forms. I just finished my meds yesterday actually.

    Try drinking basil (leaves and flowers), fig leaf, jacaranda tea. Can you get your hands on any Kambucha...maybe in some of the more touristy places?

    Eventhough I finished my meds and have been drinking Kambucha and natural tea, I still feel crazy bloated pain....errrr I HATE parasites!
